
reading a blog on a mobile phone

Why is a Mobile Website Audit Essential for Your Personal Blog?

Picture this: you’ve poured your heart into creating engaging content for your personal blog. It’s meticulously crafted – every word, image, and layout tailored to reflect your unique perspective. But are all readers experiencing your content in the way you intended? In an era dominated by mobile phone usage, seamless user experiences across different devices has become vital. This is where a mobile website audit comes in.

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Mobile Site Audit:

Today we are looking at the mobile version of, which is a curated news website focused on several popular but dissimilar niches. A trusted SEO source mentioned this website on X / Twitter in the context of a website that is thriving in organic search.

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screenshot of the home page of

Mobile Site Audit:

Welcome to another mobile website audit! Today we are looking at This website is fascinating in that it operates through direct traffic and newsletter traffic more than organic search. The primary search terms driving traffic are the brand name, so it is well established in its niche.

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Screenshot of, the subject of today's mobile site audit

Mobile Site Audit:

Hey, guys. Welcome to My name is Daniel, and today I am reviewing But before we dive in, I just want to remind you that at, I review your website on a mobile device, recording it on video for 10 minutes. I walk through your website as though I am a first time visitor and I give you real time feedback on what the experience is like.

I point out things that are obstacles to me finding information I’m looking for, or obstacles to completing a task, such as subscribing or giving lead gen information or purchasing a product.

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dentist examining a patient in the dentist chair.

Routine Site Audits Are Like Dental Check Ups

Let’s talk about the importance of scheduled, routine website audits. First, let’s assume that you add new content to your website at least monthly. Because if you don’t, this article isn’t for you, and, frankly, you have an entirely different set of problems (ask me about it).

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